Delay to Brexit trade talks a “humiliating climbdown” for David Davis

Ministers have privately admitted that the government may not start negotiating Britain’s future trade relationship with the EU until the end of the year, it emerged today.

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Number of patients on mixed sex wards doubles since last year

The number of patients suffering the indignity of staying in mixed-sex wards soared to 908 in July 2017, more than double the number in the same month last year.

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Northern Ireland border plan has “more holes than a colander”

The government’s plan for the Northern Ireland border after Brexit has more holes in it than a colander.

It comes after the government admitted EU nationals will still be able to enter the UK from Ireland after Brexit under its plans.

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0.5% fall in wages shows Brexit causing “real costs for real people”

Real wages fell by 0.5% in the three months to June 2017 compared with a year earlier, figures from the Office for National Statistics today have revealed.

Average weekly earnings increased by 2.1%, but with inflation standing at 2.6% real earnings still fell by 0.5%.

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Trump state visit would be “completely wrong”

The events of the last few days have shocked and appalled the entire world.

Images of Nazis, marching in American streets, terrorist attacks on peaceful protestors. Every world leader should be able to condemn that.

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