May’s ECJ comments are a desperate attempt to avoid backbench rebellion

Theresa May’s attempts to downplay the government’s climbdown over the European Court of Justice is a desperate attempt to hold together the Conservative Party and ward off a eurosceptic rebellion.

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Failure to electrify rail routes is a betrayal of the North

Writing in the Yorkshire Post, Chris Grayling said: “the success of Northern transport depends on the North itself.”

It comes after the government dropped pledges to electrify rail routes in Wales, the Midlands and the North, while supporting the £30 billion Crossrail 2 scheme for London.

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How many other reports like this are Conservative Ministers hiding from the British public?

An unpublished Home Office report showed that Britons could be more at risk of terrorism and crime after Brexit, The Times reports.

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Fail to electrify rail routes are a betrayal of the North

Writing in the Yorkshire Post, Chris Grayling said: “the success of Northern transport depends on the North itself.”

It comes after the government dropped pledges to electrify rail routes in Wales, the Midlands and the North, while supporting the £30 billion Crossrail 2 scheme for London.

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ECJ paper shows May’s red lines becoming more blurred by the day

The government has released its latest Brexit position paper on the role of the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) after Brexit.

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