Q&A – How conference works

Q: Who runs conference?

Conference is run by the Federal Conference Committee (FCC). FCC decide on what motions to debate, how long they are debated for and even where Conference is held. Members are elected every 3 years by a ballot of all party members. If ever enough members were to disagree with a decision that FCC has made, they can appeal the decision via the Federal Appeals Panel or ask members at Conference to back them.

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Cable: Rise in interest rates would hurt indebted households

The Bank of England’s nine-strong Monetary Policy Committee voted today by 7-2 to keep interest rates on hold at 0.25%, amid sluggish growth and a squeeze on household spending.

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Conference standing orders

Q: How is conference run?

A: Conference is run by the Federal Conference Committee (FCC). FCC decide on what motions to debate, how long they are debated for and even where conference is held. Members are elected every 3 years by a ballot of all members. However, if enough members disagree with a decision that FCC has made, then they can appeal the decision via the Federal Appeals Panel or have the chance to ask conference to back them.

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Read Vince Cable’s full speech on inequality from the 6th September

Read Vince Cable’s full speech to the Resolution Foundation on Inequality here:

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Vince Cable: Inequality is threatening our future

Vince Cable will today make a major speech warning of the dangers of inequality arguing that if the problems we face today are not addressed then our country risks tearing itself apart.

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