Tougher fire safety rules are needed to prevent another Grenfell

Fire safety has to be put at the forefront of new building regulations in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

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Not credible for Boris to stay in Govt after £350m NHS myth

In April 2016, I wrote to the UK Statistics Authority over the Vote Leave campaign’s claim £350m a week is sent to the EU.

In his reply the Chair of the UK Statistics Authority, Sir Andrew Dilnot CBE, said that VoteLeave’s use of the figure was “potentially misleading.” 

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We are the only party offering an exit from Brexit

The effects of Brexit are already being felt.

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It’s time for a pay rise for our armed forces

Today at our Autumn Conference the Liberal Democrats have called on the government to immediately lift the pay cap on the armed forces to address a growing recruitment crisis.

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EU-UK security treaty set to fail unless May drops opposition to ECJ

The simple fact is that the proposed EU-UK security treaty is likely to fail unless Theresa May drops her opposition to the European Court of Justice.

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