IFS demolishes Boris Johnson’s £350m lie

The IFS has demolished Boris Johnson’s repeated claim that Brexit will lead to an £350m for the NHS.

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We must have employee representation on boards

At our conference today, the Liberal Democrats have agreed to a raft of new policies which will see stricter penalties for companies that break the law, as part of a series of measures to improve corporate governance.

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DExEU head Oliver Robbins finds an exit from Brexit

In surprising news today, the Head of the Deparment for Exiting the European Union, Oliver Robbins has quit to take up a new role after a series of disagreements with David Davis.

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We need a new strategy to beat terror

In the wake of the recent terrorist outrages it’s clear that we need a bold change of strategy to defeat terrorism and counter violent extremism.

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The roll-out of the Universal Credit has been shambolic – it’s time for it to be paused

According to charities, councils and housing associations, the rollout of the universal credit is a disaster in slow-motion.

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