Order allowing Saudi women to drive ‘welcome but decades overdue’

“It’s 2017; this is welcome but decades overdue.  Of course it is good news for women in Saudi Arabia, but they continue to face oppression, such as the guardianship laws that put men in control of women’s lives.  

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Cable: British Government should stand up to protectionist bullying from Trump

“Rather than simply expressing ‘bitter disappointment’, our government should be out there fighting for vital British manufacturing jobs in Belfast. 

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Lib Dems welcome Sadiq’s call for referendum on Brexit deal

“I welcome signs from top Labour people that they are willing to join the Liberal Democrats in giving the people a referendum on the facts, at the end of the Brexit process.

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Labour and Conservatives are both economically illiterate

“The Labour Party are right to prepare for economic collapse should they get into government. Their endorsement of Brexit, including taking the UK out of the Single Market is economically illiterate.

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Labour putting political point scoring first

“It is disappointing, but not at all surprising, that the Labour Party seems intent on putting petty political point scoring ahead of the opportunity to genuinely help millions of vulnerable older people. We already know more than a million people are not getting social care they need, and this is only set to get worse as politicians in Westminster fail to act. Shouting at each other doesn’t get older people the care they need.

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