Universal Credit Tory rebellion shows cuts must be reversed in Autumn Budget

“There is a mounting sense that the government could be defeated if it does not immediately pause the roll-out of Universal Credit. 

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Brake: Has Johnson broken Ministerial Code?

Following on from Johnson’s reprimand from the head of the UK Statistics Authority due to his repeated peddling of the discredited £350 million a week for the NHS figure, Tom Brake has called for the PM to investigate whether Boris has breached the Ministerial Code on three fronts 

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Latest round of Brexit talks show the government is still scandalously lacking a Brexit plan

“Michel Barnier’s statement that we are ‘months’ away from even starting substantive Brexit negotiations shows that Theresa May’s Florence speech was a flop, that David Davis is dangerously delusional about the level of progress that is being made, and that the government is still scandalously lacking a Brexit plan.

“The greater the uncertainty, the more the economy will flounder and the more vital workers will quit the UK.

“Brexit is a mess made in Westminster by the Conservatives. The time is ticking, on the deadline before we leave and on the last remaining shreds of this government’s credibility. We need to stay in the single market and the customs union, and we need to give the people a vote on the final deal.”

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May is a hypocrite to praise free markets

“The EU’s four freedoms – of goods, services, capital and people – have underpinned British prosperity for the past 40 years. Yet the Conservatives’ extreme Brexit will deprive us from all four, making us poorer.

“Meanwhile, Conservative attempts to build new trade relationships in a post-Brexit world have been rebuffed with the Boeing row underlying just how hard it will be to strike a trade deal with America.
“Far from thriving, business is struggling under Theresa May’s premiership as Britain slips ever further down the growth league.
“I am proud that the Liberal Democrat policy of independence for the Bank of England twenty years ago – the subject of my maiden speech – has increased growth and prosperity. Sadly government policy is now pushing Britain in the opposite direction, towards fortresses and economic downturns.”

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Vince Cable responds to Corbyn’s conference speech

“Jeremy Corbyn has once again confirmed he is one of Brexit’s biggest cheerleaders.

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