Cable: This was a speech of a brave PM with a disloyal Cabinet

“This was the speech of a brave Prime Minister struggling on, while her disloyal Cabinet colleagues openly plot against her.

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Government must reform Right to Buy if they’re serious about tackling the housing crisis

“Under the Tories, building of both social and affordable housing has plummeted.

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Race audit – Cable challenges May

“This audit shows that prejudice and bias based on the colour of someone’s skin continues to blight people’s life chances, and this is utterly unacceptable in 21st century Britain. It is not right that our BAME friends and neighbours are far less likely to have a job or own their home – it is an unfairness that should have ended long ago. 

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Boris’ failure to condemn Spain a shameful dereliction of duty

“Boris Johnson’s failure to condemn the Spanish government over this violence is a shameful dereliction of duty.

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May must bin ECJ red line if she’s serious about safety and security 

“This is a welcome u-turn from attempts to use security co-operation as a bargaining chip in the Brexit negotiations.

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