Secret Brexit studies must be released

Tom Brake, Liberal Democrat Brexit Spokesperson, has tabled a number of FOI requests calling on the Department for Exiting the European Union to publish the studies. He has also called for a debate on the cost of Brexit and the content of the reports in the House of Commons.

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Leaked document reveals weakness of govt’s hand in Brexit talks

This government’s internal battles are weakening their hand in Europe. Every report of a Cabinet split destabilises our negotiating team and strengthens the position of the EU negotiators.

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Menzies Campbell: ‘Every time Trump opens his mouth, the world becomes a less safe place’ 

“This is yet another example of Trump’s boneheaded belligerence. 

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New Liberal Democrat spokespeople

I have just appointed my first team of principal spokespeople since becoming leader this summer.

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Ashdown: Cuts to Royal Navy must not be allowed to happen

“This is not yet a decision but it soon could be, if the government is allowed to get away with cuts which would betray the best traditions of our past and damage our ability to defend ourselves in the future. 

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