Carmichael: 1,000 years of unelected peers shows need for democratic change – Carmichael

The Liberal Democrats have always advocated democratic reform of the House of the Lords. But the brutal truth is that this Government simply has no appetite for the fundamental reform which the House of Lords desperately needs.

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Resolution Foundation report finds ‘no deal’ Brexit would cause significant price rises

Its findings show that under WTO rules, the average household would see price rises worth an extra £260 a year, while over three million families would see price rises of over £500 a year.

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Vince Cable: Shock ONS figures show economy in trouble

Vince Cable said:

“News of this massive write-down shows our economy is in real trouble. Jobs are being lost at major employers such as Vauxhall and BAE, the pound has already lost 20% of its value in a year, our balance of trade and productivity are poor, and we have fallen to the bottom of the growth league for major economies.

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Tom Brake responds to McDonnell comments on ‘no deal’ Brexit

“The Lib Dems will work with any party to stop a ‘No Deal’ scenario and would vote against a No Deal outcome in Parliament.  ‘No Deal’ would mean ports at a standstill with ferries unable to unload and load, aircraft stranded at airports and manufacturers operating ‘Just in Time’ production reduced to ‘Never on Time’.

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National Hate Crime Awareness Week: Letter of support from Vince Cable

I am proud to lend my support to National Hate Crime Awareness Week, which serves as an important reminder that the tenets of hate, division and prejudice have no place in 21st century Britain.

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