Theresa May has used citizens as bargaining chips

These are empty, hypocritical words from Theresa May.  EU citizens, many in a state of panic, who have already waited 15 months to have their rights protected, will be deeply disappointed. 

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Vince Cable: Theresa, EU nationals are not bargaining chips

This morning, Theresa May has penned an open letter on her Facebook page on EU Citizens Rights. Unfortunately, the message is a huge disappointment.

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Vince Cable: Shubh Diwali!

The festival of lights is upon us once again; across the country streets will be aglow with lights and decorations as thousands of Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists gather to celebrate the ancient festival of Diwali. 

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Vince Cable: Growing NHS crisis shows need for penny on income tax

Nationally England, Wales and Northern Ireland have not hit one of their three key targets for 18 months.

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Carmichael comments on continuing stalemate in NI power-sharing talks 

The comments from the Secretary of State regarding the current state of the talks process in Northern Ireland is deeply troubling. There are very real consequences for the people of Northern Ireland with the continuing stalemate – budgetary decisions are waiting to be taken, NHS targets are being missed and waiting lists are getting longer, and there is uncertainty for economic investment. Northern Ireland is also lacking a voice in the crucial Brexit negotiations.

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