CO2 emissions hit record high

The government must take urgent action following a UN report warning that CO2 emissions have reached a record high.

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It’s time for Amber Rudd to do her job and defend police from cuts

The Conservatives have savaged our police force – inflicting deep cuts that have left officers struggling to respond to crime and weakening their ability to protect our communities.

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Tom Brake responds to PM statement in Brussels

“The Prime Minister cannot say one thing in Brussels and another in Britain. She needs to face down the right-wing Brexiteers in her party in order to guarantee the talks actually move forward. Above all she still needs to protect citizens’ rights to ensure they are not a casualty of a no-deal Brexit, and the European Union must also do more to make this happen.

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1 in 2 local authorities to see cuts to per pupil funding this year

• 83 of 150 local authorities in England will see per pupil funding fall in in real terms during 2017-18, i.e. once inflation is taken into account.

• England as a whole will see spending per spending per pupil fall by £29 (0.65%) in real terms.

• Local authorities with some of the worst school results in England, including Blackpool, the Isle of Wight and Poole, will be hardest hit by the funding cuts

• The South East will see the largest real-terms fall, with funding per pupil falling by £131 (3%.)

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UK facing “fly-tipping epidemic” with 1 million incidents in a year

• Local authorities in England recorded 1,002,154 cases of fly-tipping in 2016-17, up 7% on the previous year. This is equivalent to 114 every hour.

• The estimated cost to the taxpayer for clearing up fly-tipping was £58 million, up 16% on the previous year

• The number of prosecutions for fly-tipping fell by a quarter to 1,602, compared to 2,135 the previous year

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