When will government listen to defence cuts warnings?

It has been reported that defence minister Tobias Ellwood has threatened to resign if military cuts bring the army below 70,000 soldiers.

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Downing Street in utter chaos over customs union and Northern Ireland

Number 10 hinted earlier today that Northern Ireland could stay in the customs union to prevent the return of a hard border, saying the issue would be a matter for the negotiations.

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Liam Fox accuses British firms of not wanting to do business abroad

Liam Fox has accused British companies of not wanting to export their goods around the globe, in an interview with the House Magazine.

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Hammond stealth tax on savers is “indefensible”

Around ten million small savers will be hit by a stealth tax worth £500m buried in the small print of the Budget, it emerged today.

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Leaked Brexit paper shows UK airlines risk losing flying rights

UK airlines are set to lose their rights to fly in the EU due to the government’s decision to leave the single market, according to leaked European Commission documents seen by the Financial Times.

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