Government must consider ‘vindaloo visas’ to tackle the curry chef shortage

The government should consider issuing temporary one-year ‘vindaloo visas’ to Asian chefs to help solve the British curry crisis.

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Army numbers down 2,000 since Conservative 82,000 manifesto pledge

Army numbers have fallen by over 2,000 since the Conservative 2015 Manifesto pledge to keep troop levels above 82,000, analysis by the Liberal Democrats has revealed.

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Corbyn must condemn Kate Hoey over Irish border remarks

Kate Hoey seems to think other people should pay for the mess she and other leading Brexiteers have caused.

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Falling apprenticeships and Brexit will cripple Industrial Strategy

The combination of falling apprenticeship starts and restricted access to skilled labour after Brexit will cripple the Industrial Strategy.

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Australia’s trade warning proves that leaving the EU is no panacea

Speaking on the Today programme, Australian trade minister Steve Cobbio criticised the government’s post-Brexit trade plans to split food import quotas between the UK and the EU.

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