3,750 teachers in England on long-term stress leave

There were 3,750 teachers in England on long-term stress leave in 2016/17, up 5% on the previous year, Liberal Democrat research has revealed.

It means one in 83 teachers is now on long-term leave of one month or more for stress and mental health issues, up from one in 95 three years ago and one in 90 last year.

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Conservatives show a complete lack of ambition

The Conservatives launch their 25-year environment plan tomorrow.

Despite being heavily trailed to the media, the proposals are expected to be limited. 

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Chemo cuts will cause lasting damage

The Churchill Hospital in Oxford is having to cut chemotherapy services due to staff shortages.

This is a horrendous situation.

Vital treatments that can save or extend life are under threat because of the pressures the NHS faces.

All of us will have friends and loved ones who have had a cancer diagnosis, and to learn that they might face a delay or a cut back in treatment to alleviate symptoms is appalling.

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Labour’s leadership needs to come clean

This morning I attended the Single Market Summit, the start of a cross-party initiative between opposition leaders to oppose the Conservatives’ hard Brexit.

To the anger of many Labour MPs – and to my great disappointment, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn refused to attend. 

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Universal Credit will drive up homelessness as people stuggle to rent homes

The Conservative’s roll out of Universal Credit risks driving up homelessness.

That’s what I will warn in a debate in Westminster Hall this morning.

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