The Government can’t continue to tinker round the edges on surveillance

The UK’s surveillance regime has once again been declared unlawful by the courts.

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Withdrawal Bill exhibits the arrogance and incompetence of the government in equal measure

In my opening remarks in the debate on the EU Withdrawal Bill today, I plan to attack the government’s “arrogance and incompetence

I will also highlight the complete lack of progress on Brexit despite the government’s own deadlines fast approaching.

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Misogyny should be made a hate crime

Most women have experienced some kind of harassment in their daily life at some point.

This is not acceptable, this is not okay.

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Conservative infighting threatens to wreck Britain’s financial services industry

The government must urgently spell out its aims from the second phase of EU negotiations and on transitional arrangements, the Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee has warned. 

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New poll shows public opinion swinging behind Lib Dem call for a vote on the terms of Brexit

An ICM poll for The Guardian has shown that Brits favour a referendum on the terms of Brexit by a 13 point margin. Once ‘don’t knows’ are taken out, this rises 58% in support to 42% against. 

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