If UK is harmed by Brexit why won’t Labour campaign to stay in EU?

Speaking in the House of Commons debate on the release of the full copies of the leaked Brexit papers, I asked Labour’s Spokesperson Keir Starmer: 

“If these reports confirm that the UK will be harmed, whatever deal the UK strikes with the EU, will Labour campaign to stay in the EU?”  

Labour did not answer the question.

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When it comes to stopping Brexit, it’s the Liberal Democrats leading the charge

With a Prime Minister pandering to the extremists on the right of her party; delivering up the most divisive, extreme version of Brexit imaginable and Corbyn’s Labour Party sitting on its hands, letting the bumbling Tories off the hook – we are needed more than ever.

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Our oceans are becoming a plastic soup

The world’s oceans are slowly turning into a plastic soup.

Unless we take action, plastic waste will continue to pollute our oceans with devastating effect.

We have all heard the reports of seabirds strangled by 6-pack rings and whales washing up with guts full of plastic, but did you know the average seafood consumers eats around 11,000 plastic particles a year?

Prawns with polystyrene anyone?

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Tories are shamelessly behind times on votes at 16

Today at PMQs, MPs debated extending the right to vote to 16-year-olds – and the debate showed one thing clearly.

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Reflecting on six months as leader

I have spent much of the last six months travelling around England from Torquay to Tyneside, as well as several trips through Wales – where Jane Dodds is leading the charge to revive our fortunes – and a visit to Scotland, where Willie Rennie leads a great team.

What I have found is a party in good heart, mounting a sure, steady fightback to recover ground lost during the Coalition years.

And we are opening up new territory too, even in Leave supporting, Labour areas like Sunderland, Liberal Democrats are on the march.

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