Theresa May’s hard line on Customs Union shows extreme Brexiters are now in control

Theresa May is no insisting that the UK will leave the Customs Union after Brexit.

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Expert health panel calls for ringfenced health & care tax to replace National Insurance


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This heavyweight report, Health and Social Care: Delivering a Secure Funding Future, will form the blueprint of the Lib Dems’ ongoing healthcare policy.

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In a few months time, Theresa May will return from Brussels with a deal on Brexit.

But what if the deal is a bad deal? Or worse – there’s no deal?

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Brexit analysis: Fall in EU migration far from cost free

Leaked government Brexit analysis reveals that the cost to the British economy of cutting migration from the EU would be significantly greater than the benefits brought by a US trade deal.

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Shocking neglect of psychosis patients exposed

Shocking evidence of discrimination against people with severe mental illness has been uncovered by the Liberal Democrats, as a national survey reveals that a flagship treatment programme for psychosis is not being properly delivered in most parts of the country.

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