Survey shows growing public anger at Conservatives’ mishandling of Brexit

A survey by Kantar Public, published today (Sunday, 18 February), has found that 56% of the public judge the Conservatives’ handling of Berexit as poor or very poor.

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Munich speech shows staying in the EU is best for Britain’s security

Everything Theresa May said in this speech illustrated that being in the EU is the best way of securing our security objectives.

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A hat-trick of Liberal Democrat by-election gains!

Last night, in a bumper crop of by-elections the Liberal Democrats made a hat-trick of gains and huge increases in the vote in a brace of others:

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British people have coughed up £1bn for intransigence in NI

Talks have today collapsed in Stormont.

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5 reasons why we love our NHS

1. Saving lives
The NHS provides some of the best emergency care in the world. Although the NHS winter crisis has placed unprecedented pressure on our health service, the NHS has, historically, maintained an impressive standard of emergency care. Last year an astounding 23.65 million of us attended A&E. This number increases each year. Over the last five years A&E departments have seen a 7.2% rise in attendance. Yet despite this enormous pressure, A&E staff display tireless dedication during gruelling 12-hour shifts and regularly go above-and-beyond the call of duty.


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