Vince Cable’s letter to universities minister Sam Gyimah

University lectures have started 14 days of strikes due to drastic changes to their pensions. They can expect to be left around £10,000 a year worse off in retirement as a result. The government must move to underwrite the Universities Superannuation Scheme, providing lectures and academic staff with guarantees that their pensions will be safe.

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Immigration figures show chaos and confusion over Brexit

Immigration figures announced today show that 47,000 fewer EU nationals came to live in the UK, and that 28,000 EU nationals departed our shores, between the period of September 2016 to September 2017.

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Conservatives scramble for extra time after struggling to cope with scale of Brexit

It is bizarre that the government was so hasty in its invocation of Article 50, but is now scrambling for extra time in transition due to the scale of the task ahead.

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As Fashion week ends, will Brexit leave us bare?

A hard Brexit will damage this thriving and flourishing industry. A recent study from the Creative Industries Federation (CIF) fears that restriction of freedom of movement may deter high-quality talent, hurting the UK economy overall. Additionally, the British Retail Consortium have estimated that around 10,200 EU nationals were employed in UK retail, with the UK Fashion and Textile Association stating that 70% of all London fashion factory workers are from the EU. Towards the end of last year, a survey revealed that 56% of all EU retail workers are worried about their ability to reside in the UK in the future.

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Conservatives abdicating their responsibilities on sex education

In interviews with The Sunday Times and Andrew Marr, new Education Secretary Damian Hinds signalled he would encourage restrictions on pupils’ rights to sex education.

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