Theresa May has once again prevaricated from making serious decisions about our future

Commenting on Theresa May’s Brexit speech at Mansion House, Vince Cable MP Leader of the Liberal Democrats, said:

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Boris Johnson shouldn’t be allowed out

Boris Johnson has made a bizarre appearance on the Today programme where he showed flagrant disregard for history and international affairs by comparing the Northern Ireland border with the Congestion Charge.

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The 2018 Ashdown Prize for Radical Thought

Living in Britain today, we all know the scale of the problems approaching us – and yet it seems that no-one has the courage to argue for the radical solutions we need.

Runaway climate change; an aging population; healthcare and housing both in crisis; the passing of the liberal international order; the commercialisation of our private data; the risks and rewards of automation and AI; one tax system for multinationals and the rich, another for everyone else.

The list goes on.

Unless we take firm action we will bow to these pressures, leaving the young and the vulnerable unable to lead the rich, full lives they deserve.

In the face of such daunting forces, we must find radical new solutions to protect the power of the citizen – over their own lives, over the decisions that affect them, over the world around them.

This is the Liberalism of tomorrow – the Liberalism Britain so badly needs.

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Tom Brake responds to Corbyn’s Brexit speech: Corbyn is the ‘loyal opposition’

“Corbyn started his speech claiming that Labour’s position on Brexit has been consistent, by which he must mean consistently vague. And today was no different.

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A ‘jobs first approach to Brexit’ is a meaningless soundbite

The Conservatives are making a mess of Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn now needs to show some strength and change course.

‘A jobs-first approach to Brexit’ is a dangerous, meaningless and totally undeliverable soundbite with Britain out of the single market.

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