Allegations against Cambridge Analytica must be investigated

Today’s New York Times alleges that Cambridge Analytica ‘harvested’ 50 million Facebook profiles in a potentially huge data breach.

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5 ways to punish Putin

Putin is attempting to be the puppet master of the world, it is time we cut his strings.
The UK must build a coalition of the willing, able to put an end to Putin’s murderous adventurism, and show murder condoned or directed comes at a very heavy price.
Putin is a bully who will not be put back in his box by entreaties from the Leader of the Opposition to have a chinwag over beer and sandwiches.

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My response to the Spring Statement

The Spring Statement was a non-event.

The OECD gave us the clearer picture – that the economy is bumping along the bottom of the G20, well behind the likes of Australia, Canada and the Euro area.

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Major victory in ban on cold-calling

As the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill returns to the House of Commons today, the Liberal Democrats have secured a significant victory following the government’s acceptance of crucial amendments tabled by Liberal Democrats peers in the House of Lords.
Led by Lord Sharkey, the Liberal Democrats campaigned in the House of Lords to end the scourge of cold-calling in relation to pensions, claims management and other financial services.

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The Government must U-turn on Universal Credit cuts

Ahead of the Chancellor’s Spring Statement, I’m calling on the government to reverse cuts to the Universal Credit Work Allowance.

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