If Cambridge Analytica misled Parliament they must be held to account

Cambridge Analytica worked with Brexit campaign group leave.eu, according to a former senior member of staff at the company.

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World Water day: We must start valuing and preserving the world’s water

Today is World Water Day, and competition for this increasingly scarce resource is affecting the environmental integrity and biodiversity of our world.

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What our members think about being a member

A little over two weeks ago, we asked our members a question. Do you like being a member of the Lib Dems?

More than 12,000 of you replied – and this is what you had to say:


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EU prime ministers back Lib Dem call for a vote on any Brexit deal

Following a working lunch between myself and European Liberal Prime Ministers in Brussels, we have issued a joint statement.

In that statement, the Prime Ministers said:

“We regret Brexit, but acknowledge the choice made by British voters for the UK Government to negotiate withdrawal.”

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8 things you didn’t know about Lib Dem members

Recently YouGov & Queen Mary University, London did a massive survey of the membership of the 4 largest political parties in the UK (us ‘obvs’, Labour, Conservatives and the Scottish National Party). They came out some pretty interesting stuff, such as…

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