Vacancy – Registered Treasurer and Chair of FFRC

The Liberal Democrats are seeking a highly qualified volunteer with significant experience of financial and compliance matters at a high level to become their Registered Treasurer and Chair of the Federal Finance and Resources Committee. 

The FFRC Chair and Registered Treasurer of the Party is a senior role within the party that requires a substantial commitment beyond the Chairing of the FFRC, including attending and contributing to both the Federal Board and the Operations Committee (a sub-committee of the Board comprising the Vice Chairs, English and Welsh Chairs, the Scottish Convenor and all the Federal Committee Chairs), as well as being an ex-officio member of the Federal Audit and Scrutiny Committee.

The Registered Treasurer has specific responsibilities in signing off the quarterly Electoral Commission donation returns as well as annual accounts and generally being the first point of contact for the Electoral Commission in relation to Party administration.

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Lib Dem Lords inflict more defeats on Tory government

Last night Theresa May suffered yet another series of damning defeats in the Lords, exposing the ever-increasing anger at her administration’s undemocratic, destructive approach to Brexit.

So far the government has been defeated a total of 14 times, with the Lords rejecting the Brexit deadline and exit date, securing a meaningful vote in the Commons, and quashing attempts to hand ministers ‘blank cheque’ powers. 

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New Privacy and Fair Processing Notices

Specifically, the Privacy Policy and a set of Fair Processing Notices (FPN). Both are vital to telling people how we will use, store and collect their data. This is a major milestone in our preparations for GDPR. All information gathered under the new legal notices will be compliant.


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Single Market defeat sends a clear message

The Government have received their eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth defeats in the House of Lords during the Report stage of the EU Withdrawal Bill. 

A vote on an amendment to ensure our future interaction with EU law and agencies was passed by a cross-bench majority of 298 to 227

A further vote on an amendment to remove the exit date from the bill passed by a cross-bench majority of 311 to 233.

And finally, an amendment that would keep Britain in the single market passed with a cross-bench majority of 245 to 218

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Fantastic night for the Liberal Democrats

On Thursday, England went to the polls in the local elections – and going in the pundits weren’t exactly predicting a great night for us:

But we’ve defied the pundit’s expectations and had a phenomenal night – our best local election result in more than FIFTEEN years.

We held every single Council and Mayoralty we were defending including, Eastleigh, South Lakeland, Sutton, Cheltenham and Watford.

And we took control of Richmond, South Cambridgeshire, Three Rivers and Kingston-upon-Thames.

Topping it off, we’ve gained seats across the country in Hull, Liverpool, Cambridge, Sunderland, Gosport, Merton, Portsmouth, Sheffield, St Albans, Winchester, Bolton, Barnsley (electing our first councillor in eight years with a massive majority!) and Haringey and in many, many more!

All told, we’ve made net gains of +75 – more than any other party and elected 536 Liberal Democrat Councillors.

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