Liberal Democrats


Party Awards 2018

It’s that exciting time of the year again! Party awards time! Every year at Autumn Conference we hand out prestigious party awards to members who have done some of the most outstanding work in the party. Going above and beyond … read more

Typeform Data Breach

One of our suppliers, Typeform, informed us that on the 3rd May 2018 they suffered a data breach – and data from Liberal Democrat members was among the data affected. You will have received an email if your data was … read more

Celebrating Pride

One of my own proudest political moments as a Liberal Democrat was moving the amendment in a parliamentary committee that abolished section 28 – that shocking discriminatory law which banned the “promotion” of homosexuality by local authorities and schools. And … read more

Vince Cable Speech: Housing

“At the centre of the last budget was a pledge to build 300,000 UK houses a year to address the ‘housing crisis’.  We were taken back to the days when a post-war Conservative Government, under Churchill, was elected with this … read more

Let’s make a change

The Liberal Democrats have many strengths as a party. But right now we failing in one key area – diversity. We have too few women, too few people without a university education – and far too few BAME members in … read more