David Davis and Brexit Chaos

Bluntly, David Davis’ resignation today makes it clear: this government is up shit creek without a paddle.

It is obvious to all – Brexiters and Remainers alike – that Theresa May cannot deliver on Brexit.

This is most important issue in a generation and the government has failed.

“This Government is up s**t creek without a paddle”

There’s only one option for them now. Hand Brexit back over to the people to have the final say on the Brexit deal, and include the option to remain in the EU.

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Black Pride

Today is UK Black Pride, a day to hear from and celebrate those of us who live in the BAME-LGBT intersection.

I am one of these people. nadya-phoenix.png

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How we targeted our canvassing

The last article talked about building your team – once you’ve got them you have to give them something to do.  Delivering leaflets is essential, but the most effective thing we can do to get people to vote for us is talk to them.

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Marked Registers – what next?

Last month was the deadline to buy marked register data from your local council for last year’s snap General Election.

So you are now probably in possession of lots of data. But how do you get it into connect?

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Opposition Debates

What is an opposition day debate?

Opposition Days are a chance for opposition party’s to decide on a motion for debate in the House of Commons. In most cases the Official Opposition will choose the topic, but this Thursday we will get to set the agenda and debate an issue of our choosing. We only get to lead opposition day debates a couple of times a year, so we want to ensure we use this to debate the issue which is most important to our members.

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