Customs and Trade Bills Update

In the next few days, MPs will vote on the Customs (Taxation) and Trade Bills. These bills will be both pivotal to our future relationship with the EU and a battleground for parliamentary democracy itself.

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Sal Speaks: July 2018

On 23 June thousands of members and supporters of the Lib Dems joined over one hundred thousand marchers in the People’s Vote demonstration to Parliament Square. Your Federal Board curtailed our meeting at HQ to come and join you, and it was a wonderful event! Vince spoke from the platform with strength and conviction, aided with the knowledge that our party is united in wanting both a People’s Vote and an Exit from Brexit.

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Charlatan Trump an enemy of the people

Donald Trump has claimed that the Conservatives’ Brexit plan has killed off any chance of a UK-US trade deal.

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How we communicated our messages

So you have your team, you know who to talk to, but what are you going to tell people, and how are you going to do it.

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Day of Brexit Chaos

Theresa May tried to portray strength as her Cabinet decamped to Chequers to review her Brexit plans. Rebels ministers were warned they would lose their official cars if they resigned, with taxis on standby to shuttle the disloyal back to London.

This was May’s moment to bring her Cabinet in line.

For a moment, it appeared that May had managed to quietly stifle dissent. Then the dam broke.

Late Sunday night, the Prime Minister’s own Brexit Secretary, David Davis, resigned.

Oops Theresa May. 

The British people woke Monday morning to the image of a government in disarray as the PM’s chief Brexit negotiator finally jumped ship.

The Tories then held their breath wondering if any other resignations would follow. Coincidentally, people couldn’t pin down a certain Foreign Secretary…

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