There are no depths to which the Conservatives won’t stoop

Two weeks ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. His name is Gabriel and we adore him.

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Exit from Brexit Campaign Pack

I’m excited to announce our summer campaign pack is coming off the printer and I wanted to share this news with you now so you can begin planning how you are going to use yours.

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Last night’s trade bill votes

Brexit is the most important issue in a generation. And as Liberal Democrats we have taken on the responsibility of stopping it. We’re the only Party united in this aim.

Last night I messed up. The government squeaked home by just 3 votes in a key amendment. It should have been 1.

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Trump’s politics of hate and division have no place in Britain

Jo Swinson speaking at the March against Trump

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How we Got Out Our Vote

Elections are won or lost on Polling Day. One of our target seats in 2017 should have won their seat, but we didn’t run a proper GOTV campaign for him and he lost by 2 votes. That wasn’t going to happen again. 

GOTV (or get out the vote) is the process of getting those people you have identified as potential Lib Dem voters to put their cross in your box.

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