The Government must stop murky games and release no-deal analysis

The Government have refused to guarantee that MPs will see the full impact analysis of a no-deal Brexit before the final vote on departure from the EU.

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All set to knock on your first door?

Our Exit from Brexit Summer Campaign is in full swing. Across the country, Liberal Democrats have been speaking to voters in their area about how disastrous Brexit is going to be.

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No surprise the Brexit Secretary is hot and flustered

In a speech today the Brexit Secretary set out the no-deal Brexit papers.

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Call out Corbyn

Yesterday, I sent you a video of Corbyn refusing to answer a question about whether we would be better off after Brexit five times.

Already this has been seen fifty thousand times on Facebook thanks to you all sharing it online – and with no sign of it slowing down.

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Sal Speaks: August 2018

It may be mid-August but the bad news about Brexit is increasing by the day! Senior Brexiteers such as Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg continue to peddle their populist nonsense, against the facts: the pound dropping against the Euro; international organisations moving their EU HQ out of Britain; and even the Governor of the Bank of England confirming Brexit will not be good for the economy. Only Vince Cable and the Lib Dems remain totally committed to an Exit from Brexit, and giving the people a Final Say on the deal, with more regions that voted leave now changing their minds.

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