We’re standing up for civil liberties

The Government’s laws do nothing to address the real challenge of fighting terrorism. Instead, the bill contains worrying and wrongheaded measures that are unnecessary and attack individual freedoms.

  • criminalise “reckless” speech
  • make it a crime just to travel to certain places
  • criminalise what you read on the internet
  • allow police to hold innocent people’s DNA for longer
  • give officers more power to detain people at airports without suspicion.

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The Liberal Democrat Christmas Draw

We’re delighted to announce that the new online Liberal Democrat Christmas Draw has been launched.

The Liberal Democrat Christmas Draw has been operating for over 20 years, and exactly the same principles of the old draw have been brought to the new one.

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New Templates in November to help you win in May

The Campaigns and Elections Team have released the latest leaflet templates and examples to help you win next May.

These templates for November include:

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Brexit Questions For October

Will Corbyn stand up to the Tories and their chaotic Brexit? Can Theresa May provide any clarity about what a real Brexit deal might look like?

No, and no.

Labour’s Conference was riven with divisions over Brexit. Keir Starmer said he wanted to give the people the chance to remain, John McDonnell says this isn’t on the table.

Clear as mud, Labour.

Eventually, the big letdown from Jeremy Corbyn: they would rather have a General Election before giving the people the final say on the Brexit deal.

Unfortunately – in the unlikely scenario that Corbyn secured and won an election – he has not committed to stopping Brexit

Through all the cross talking and distraction, Labour leadership continues to aid and abet the Tory Brexit.

Meanwhile, the story of the Conservative Party Conference was the bitter infighting between Theresa May and Boris Johnson. The Prime Minister continues to be distracted from the real work of government by childish squabbles in her party.

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Get your local consultation pack here

The leader’s consultation on proposals for party reforms is still running for the next 2 weeks – and we want to make sure as many people as possible can take part.

That’s why we’ve produced a consultation pack for your local party to use. You can see the pack here:

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