Labour’s Brexit Fudge

On Saturday, during the People’s Vote march in London, activists will be given a piece of Labour’s Brexit fudge – reminding them that Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party is fudging its position on giving the people a final say on Brexit.

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Speech by Democrats 66 Leader Rob Jetten in the House of Commons

Like the Liberal Democrats, D66 is a progressive liberal party that holds its roots in the free-spirited leftist liberal party.

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The Tories’ handling of Brexit is a national embarrassment.

Today Theresa May announced that she was open to extending the transition period – a clear admittance that her Brexit deal is unworkable.

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How we stop Brexit

What’s been happening?

The Liberal Democrats have been dedicated more money, and more time and more of our key campaigners to stopping Brexit.

We’ve still got time to stop Brexit and we’re ramping up our campaign. Big time.

And it’s working. So far we have:

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Businesses should be clear how they help people with mental health needs

Businesses with 500+ staff should be forced to reveal how they help employees with mental health issues if they fail to disclose the information voluntarily.

The Companies Act should be amended so employers have to report on workplace mental health.

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