Britain needs our Liberal Democrat alternative

Philip Hammond tried to strike an upbeat note today, declaring “austerity is over”.  Cossetted inside Westminster for the afternoon, he hid away from the storm clouds gathering over our economy.

Brexit is making the situation worse.

In truth, austerity cannot be brought to an end without difficult decisions involving an increase in taxation.  Excluding the Government’s promises on the NHS, maintaining real spending on public services will require an additional £19bn in extra tax and borrowing. And Brexit itself is making the situation worse.

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Fiscal Phil’s sticking plaster Budget

“A standstill non-event” – Vince Cable

“This was all very modest stuff, with more in it for potholes than schools and the police. A standstill non-event.

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New Rules for Facebook Advertising

As many members will be aware starting from November, Facebook is implementing new rules on who can run Facebook adverts on politics.

After that date, nobody will be able to run adverts unless they have completed the authorisation process.


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Joint statement from Lib Dems, Green Party, SNP and Plaid Cymru on Barnier meeting

The Lib Dems, SNP, Plaid Cymru and Greens are working together, alongside rebels from Labour and the Conservatives, to fight Brexit. Vince Cable pressed Barnier on the need for the EU to make contingency plans for a People’s Vote and to protect EU and UK citizens rights in the event of a no deal Brexit.

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Changing hearts and minds

Our campaigns are underpinned by research and polling on public attitues – putting us in the best possible position to win a final say on Brexit. 

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