Three government defeats in a day 😳

Parliament found the Conservative Government in contempt over its failure to release their Brexit legal advice

Yesterday, Parliament found the Conservative Government in contempt over its failure to release their Brexit legal advice.

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today as we mark the international day for persons with disabilities, I am very aware that one billion people around the world live with a disability – that’s roughly 15% of the global population. I am one of them, mainly using a wheelchair and sometimes walking with sticks. I could have written something smooth and supportive, but I am angry at having to be an afterthought in our society today.

I am angry at having to be an afterthought in our society today.

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We need bold action on climate change

Climate Change isn’t just an environmental problem, it’s a human one too.

Climate Change isn’t just an environmental problem, it’s a human one too.

Look at our country – and the impact of weather extremes likely linked to climate change. This summer, Manchester’s Moorlands were turned into an inferno. Food prices spiked as farmers struggled in an unseasonal heatwave. Back in March, parts of the country were brought to a standstill with massive snowfalls from the Beast from the East.

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We need to talk about homelessness

The latest report from Shelter has revealed that 1 in 52 people living in the capital are homeless.

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Lib Dems announce London Mayoral candidate

“I am delighted to have been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of London.

I will show the Lib Dems can offer a fresh alternative

I will show the Lib Dems can offer a fresh alternative to London’s tired two party politics.

Sadiq Khan isn’t delivering the right solutions to violent crime and only the Liberal Democrats can provide a genuinely public health approach. The Tories have shown how out of touch they are with London’s values by selecting an illiberal, pro-Brexit candidate.

Only the Lib Dems have truly stood up for Londoners against Brexit and we will continue to be a strong, liberal voice for our city.” Siobhan Benita

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