Brexit Vote Delayed

The Government is in absolute chaos. We are closer than ever to securing a People’s Vote on Brexit, thanks to your hard work and support.

Today Theresa May was forced into an embarrassing delay of her Brexit vote. She knew she was going lose by a huge margin. She is running scared.

It’s a huge moment, and it has been driven by Liberal Democrats.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported our campaign. All of you who have lobbied MPs, knocked on doors, shared our message online and offline – you’re holding this government to account and fighting this Brexit.

We can stop this mess, and it requires you continuing that fight. The Government cannot continue to delay and dodge the fundamental need for a People’s Vote.

Keep up the fight. This is your victory today, and if we keep pushing, we will win.

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Human Rights Day: Demand better for freedom and dignity

On 10th December 1948, history was made. The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In the shadow of the Second World War, the nations of the world came together to declare that everyone – no matter who they are and where they live – has the same fundamental rights.

With one voice, we pledged to “strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.”

That was a mission statement for the world. But it equally serves as a mission statement for the Liberal Democrats today.

We are committed to promoting and protecting human rights, here in the UK and around the world.

And, as we celebrate the momentous step that was taken 70 years ago today, we must also rededicate ourselves to that mission.

Because too often and in too many places, human rights and freedoms are not effectively recognised and observed.

Almost a thousand people were executed last year, and more than 20,000 are languishing on death row. Women are tortured, imprisoned and even murdered simply for demanding that rights are respected.

We are committed to promoting and protecting human rights, here in the UK and around the world.

65 million people have been forcibly displaced or left stateless, including the 1 million Rohingya Muslims who are the victims of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.

Here in the UK, more than 2,000 people are being held indefinitely in immigration detention centres, including 240 who’ve been there for more than six months.

State intelligence agencies routinely invade our privacy by intercepting electronic communications, and the Government is pushing through a new Counter-Terrorism Bill that unnecessarily erodes individual freedoms.

The Liberal Democrats demand better. We demand a freer society where rights and liberties are protected.

That’s why we will continue to #StandUp4HumanRights – on Human Rights Day and every day. Stand with us.

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Stephen Lloyd no longer a Liberal Democrat MP having resigned the party whip.

For two years the Liberal Democrats have led the fight to give the people the final say on Brexit and the opportunity to Exit from Brexit.

Tuesday’s vote is the best chance yet to secure a People’s Vote and the Liberal Democrats will be using every opportunity to demand better than Brexit.

The Conservatives have made a mess of Brexit, aided and abetted by the Labour leadership.

This is a touchstone issue for the Liberal Democrats. Our passionate support for remaining in the European Union has helped us grow our party to more than 200,000 supporters. Stephen’s commitment to his constituency has proved impossible to reconcile with the position of the party on this most important of issues.

Stephen has been a valued colleague and we shall miss his contribution to our work in parliament.

Letters between Stephen Lloyd and Alistair Carmichael

The Liberal Democrats will continue to passionately campaign to give the people the final say on Brexit, and the chance to end the national embarrassment of Brexit.

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Theresa May’s Brexit deal would make Britain less safe

To try and sell a plan that would rob us of many vital cross-border crime-fighting tools on the basis of national security takes quite the brass neck.

Consider the European Arrest Warrant. It enables us to bring criminals who’ve fled our shores back to justice in the UK, as well as to extradite thousands of others to face justice in other European countries.

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Gender neutral school uniforms in Wales

At our 2018 Spring Conference the Welsh Liberal Democrats followed in the footsteps of our Scottish friends and passed policy calling on Welsh Government to overhaul its guidance on school uniforms to make then more inclusive for trans and non-binary young people.

I am proud to be in a party where members’ shape our policy – and can directly make a real difference in peoples’ lives.

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