Paddy Ashdown will be hugely missed

Earlier this evening, Paddy Ashdown, former leader of the Liberal Democrats passed away following a short illness.

Our thoughts are with Jane and Paddy’s family this evening.  

This is a hugely sad day for the Liberal Democrats and for the very many people across political and public life who had immense affection and respect for Paddy.

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Corbyn Wants His Own Brexit

Throughout 2018, Jeremy Corbyn has refused to fight this chaotic, disastrous Brexit.

He has pulled his punches on this Brexit mess. He has let Theresa May off the hook in key votes. He has resisted calls within his own party for a People’s Vote. His weak opposition has helped the Conservatives get this far.

The vast majority of Labour voters would prefer to stay in the EU and Labour members demanded support for a People’s Vote at their party conference. Still Jeremy has fudged his position time and again.

The country deserves real Brexit opposition.

He’s now admitted that if he won an election he would continue this chaos by going to Brussels and trying to secure his own version of Brexit.

His supporters deserve better.

Liberal Democrats are the real opposition on Brexit. We have taken the fight to the Conservatives where Corbyn has not. We are wholly dedicated to giving the people the final say on the Brexit deal, and the option to remain.

We’re leading a cross party movement to challenge Theresa May, while Jeremy Corbyn plays at Parliamentary theatrics with his defective no-confidence vote in the PM.

The fight isn’t over – and we can’t wait for Jeremy Corbyn.

Liberal Democrats are leading the Exit from Brexit campaign. Brexit is not inevitable – it is not a done deal.

We are winning the fight for a People’s Vote with the option to stay in the EU. 

If you believe in our cause join the fight against Brexit now.

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The Exit From Brexit Campaign – 2018 in review

With the end of year fast approaching I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know of some of the achievements of the Brexit campaign.

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Back a no confidence vote

Last night the Liberal Democrats tabled a cross-party motion of no confidence in the Conservative Government.

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Ten Lib Dem demands for the Immigration Bill

The NHS can’t recruit the doctors and nurses it needs. Families are separated by complex visa requirements. People without documents are denied access to healthcare and housing. Decades of incompetence and cruelty by Labour and Tory Home Secretaries has shattered confidence in the system.

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