This is not who Britain is

The past few years have seen the worst refugee crisis since the Second World war, as conflict in places like Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Eritrea have forced many thousands of refugees to flee for their lives.

Just 239 of these refugees have attempted to cross the Channel and find refuge in Britain this winter.

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Three crucial months: Vince Cable’s New Year Message

As we enter 2019, time is ticking down on Brexit, and with it the whole future of the country.

The history books will look back on these coming three months as critical.It is almost unbelievable that Parliament is waiting a further week to return! 

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Ad Lib Magazine: New edition out now

The 2018 edition of Ad Lib Magazine is out now. Read it here:


Read the latest edition

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Empty chairs at the Christmas table

This Christmas, I have worked with St Giles Trust to learn more about the gang culture which is fuelling knife crime and tragically costing young people their lives. St Giles works directly with those affected, providing education, mentoring and support to fill the void into which gangs otherwise slip.

In the film, I discuss the causes of knife crime with Liam, a St Giles Project Co-ordinator. And we hear the incredibly brave voice of Sophie Kafeero whose own son, Derick, was killed last year – now she is campaigning with her local MP, Ed Davey, to take knives off the street.

As we sit down to our Christmas festivities, I hope the film helps to remind us of those who have lost someone; who have an empty chair at their Christmas table. And helping charities like St Giles is one way we can make a difference.

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Remembering Paddy

Since learning of Paddy Ashdown’s death last night people have been taking to social media to share their memories of this incredible man.

We’ve collected a few of those memories of Paddy from members, supporters and the public at large here. You can also share your memories of Paddy and add your name to the book of condolence here:

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