Demand better than Brexit

For more than two years, the Liberal Democrats have been leading the fight on Brexit. And it’s working – a year ago, less than 20% of the British people wanted a final say – now a majority of the public want to have their say.

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A national humiliation

The Prime Minister has spent 18 months putting together a compromise Brexit deal that doesn’t deliver on what the Brexiteers promised and pleases no one

Theresa May is making a mess out of Brexit and her deal is a national humiliation.

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No deal cannot be an option

On Tuesday night, thanks to Lib Dem MPs, the Government lost on a Finance Bill for the first time in 41 years. We won a vote on a cross-party amendment that demonstrates to the Government that a majority of MPs are opposed to no deal.

It goes some way to taking no deal off the table, but it’s crucial we remove it as an option full stop.

We will not stand idly by while the Conservatives destroy our economy, our NHS, our peace and security.

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The Government’s Dad’s Army approach to Brexit is risking chaos

No deal Brexit could mean road closures and gridlock at Portsmouth International Port. Three times as many lorries could pass through, causing disruption and pollution.

The Government is trying to force Theresa May’s Brexit deal through Parliament – it’s not working.

This is yet another display of Government incompetence. It’s taking a ‘Dad’s Army’ approach to no deal preparations.

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January Brexit Action Days

Across the UK, we are asking teams to head out onto the doorsteps and campaign for a final say on the weekend of 12/13th January, just a few days before Parliament votes on Theresa May’s disastrous deal.

It is clear Brexit is a national embarrassment and the Conservatives are making an absolute mess of it.

And as much of the polling shows, more and more people agree with us – in December alone 30,000 people joined our campaign for an Exit from Brexit.

But with so few days left before the vote, we need urgently to ramp up our campaign and that’s why we need you to head out on the doorstep.

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