Liberal Democrats


Demand better than Brexit

For more than two years, the Liberal Democrats have been leading the fight on Brexit. And it’s working – a year ago, less than 20% of the British people wanted a final say – now a majority of the public … read more

A national humiliation

The Prime Minister has spent 18 months putting together a compromise Brexit deal that doesn’t deliver on what the Brexiteers promised and pleases no one.  Theresa May is making a mess out of Brexit and her deal is a national … read more

No deal cannot be an option

On Tuesday night, thanks to Lib Dem MPs, the Government lost on a Finance Bill for the first time in 41 years. We won a vote on a cross-party amendment that demonstrates to the Government that a majority of MPs are … read more

January Brexit Action Days

Across the UK, we are asking teams to head out onto the doorsteps and campaign for a final say on the weekend of 12/13th January, just a few days before Parliament votes on Theresa May’s disastrous deal. It is clear … read more