Sal Speaks: January 2019

What times we live in. The SODEM team led by Steve have been outside my office with their cries of “Stop Brexit!” for the last two and a half years and earlier this week we came closer to doing that very thing. The vote was the biggest loss by a government ever and you, our members, contributed to that immensely. Each and every time we’ve asked you to get involved in the Brexit campaign over those last two and a half years you’ve stepped up to the plate and exceeded expectations. When the history of Brexit is written (if Tim Shipman isn’t already writing it!) the Liberal Democrats will be at the heart of it as having led the way from start to finish for a people’s vote and that’s because of YOU.


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Jeremy, it’s time to stop playing political games

All 11 Lib Dem MPs voted against this shambolic Conservative Government in last night’s vote of no confidence.

In the aftermath, Theresa May invited me to discuss the next steps. I accepted, but in our discussion, I was clear.

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Theresa May’s Brexit deal just got rejected

Theresa May’s Brexit deal just lost in the Commons by 230 votes. This is huge – she’s failed to convince her party, failed to convince Parliament and failed in her attempt to scaremonger MPs into backing her. It’s the biggest loss in the Commons by a Government – ever.

Brexit is a national embarrassment.

It’s time for the Prime Minister to pull her head out the sand and act with some responsibility. She has to take the threat of no deal Brexit off the table and call a People’s Vote with the option to remain in the EU. It’s the only sensible way out of this mess – we have to give the people, not the politicians, the final say. 

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3 Big Parliament Wins

The media’s been laser focused on Theresa May’s sinking Brexit deal. But today, 3 crucial bills have gone through the Lords, with significant Lib Dem input. We’re fighting to:

  • Protect the privacy of people who wear skirts
  • Outlaw exploitative letting fees
  • Allow people to go about their lives without the Government butting in

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Brexit won’t fix Britain’s burning issues

Two and a half years ago, on the steps of Downing Street, the Prime Minister promised to tackle society’s burning injustices.

My constituents elected me to fight for a People’s Vote and to keep our Union together.

I was glad to hear it. We could argue all day why people voted to Leave. But at the heart of it for many was a loss of faith in the basic promise that if you work hard and play by the rules, you’ll get on in life.

But nothing has changed for those the Prime Minister vowed to help. The government’s been far too busy making a mess of Brexit while Jeremy Corbyn has sat back and let it happen. And what are we left with?

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