Liberal Democrats


The Leader – vol 2

Brexit latest In Parliament last night there were lots of heads shaking in bemusement. The Commons gave the government diametrically contradictory instructions to the Prime Minister: no to ‘no deal’; then yes to a proposal that will in all likelihood … read more

Being homeless is not a crime.

The title of this article should be common sense, shouldn’t it? And yet, between 2014 and 2016 alone, over 3000 people were dragged before the court. Not for doing anything wrong, but for falling foul of a 195-year-old law. Go … read more

Baby Leave for MPs

Last night, MPs finally got a chance to vote on bringing Parliament into the 21st century by introducing a year-long proxy voting trial. I’ve been working hard for this change along with MPs from all parties for a long time. This … read more