7 MPs just left Labour

Today 7 Labour MPs have left their party to become Independents.

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Local Elections in May

Every May, there are local elections in the UK, to elect the councillors that local after our local communities.

In the Liberal Democrats, we’re committed to making sure this year’s local elections produce the biggest gains ever, returning hard-working Liberal Democrat councillors to town halls right across England.

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Sal Speaks!

It is less than a month now to Spring Conference in York. I’m sure many of you will by now have booked your trains and your accommodation to join us for all the interest that two days packed full of motions, training, fringes and meeting up with others from across the country. If you haven’t booked yet, you can do so here: libdems.org.uk/spring-conference

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Share your story

We all know the power of a good story.

Storytelling is the oldest way of passing along information, in which facts can be shared but we also know it is also one of the most powerful for sharing our messages.

That’s why we want yours.

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It’s not too late. Brexit can still be stopped

Tonight in Parliament, the Conservatives kicked the can down the road yet again. 

As the Brexit deadline looms ever larger, Parliament is still gridlocked – and there’s no sign of anything changing soon. 

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