Fighting climate change

On Thursday I led a debate in the House of Commons on climate change, calling for the Government to take action now.

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Visit My Mosque Day

It’s easy to see our country as divided. Watch the news on Brexit or, most recently, the public reaction to Shamima Begum’s situation. Hate crime has risen. Extremists on either side of the political spectrum act with ever-increasing intolerance and prejudice.

The Liberal Democrats demand better than discrimination

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Our plan to stop Brexit

Brexit has taken up endless news headlines and parliamentary debates – and yet has not progressed at all.

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The fight against eating disorders

This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week and like so many other mental illnesses, people with an eating disorder do not get the help they need and deserve.

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Knife ASBOs won’t protect our children

Our country is in the grip of an epidemic of serious violence. Barely a day goes by without news of another fatal stabbing on our streets. Far too many of the victims are children.

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