How we are going to eradicate race inequality for good

The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity.

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Catch the highlights of Jo’s Spring Conference Speech

Jo started out with a heartfelt tribute to those killed in the Christchurch mosque shooting this morning. “The forces that sow hate and division and seek to turn fellow citizens against each other must not and cannot win”

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I’m mad as hell

I thought if I slept on it, I’d be less angry. I’m not. I’m still as mad as hell.

In ordering his MPs not to vote for a People’s Vote, Jeremy Corbyn betrayed his Party members, Labour voters and remainers across the country.

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Voting on the supporter scheme

Last year, party conference in Southport agreed a strategy to transform the party into a movement.

In September, Vince laid out his suggestions for how our party could change toward that goal. At the heart of his proposals was the concept of creating a new supporter scheme.

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Supporter Scheme Explainer: The Votes

On Saturday afternoon, conference will be voting on a package of reforms first announced by Vince Cable back in September. These reforms propose creating an official supporters’ scheme to the party – and giving these new supporters new rights. This motion has a complex collection of votes attached to it – and here to marshal us through them is frequent conference goer and constitutional nerd, Will Dyer.

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