Read the Leader’s Q&A

Q: In view of Labour’s abstention on a People’s Vote, is there any avenue to resubmit a vote on a People’s Vote? Now Jeremy Corbyn has betrayed Remainers, what will the Liberal Democrats do?

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Cleaning up the air we breathe

We can’t afford to ignore the health problems caused by roadside air pollution. 42% of primary school children attend schools in areas which breach the legal limit of toxins from traffic exhaust.

Our children breathe this toxic air every day. It means an increased risk of asthma and other breathing problems. Not to mention health problems that can last a lifetime.

The highest percentage of these schools are state-funded nursery schools. I’m appalled that we’re sending kids barely older than toddlers to schools being choked by poisonous exhaust fumes.

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Supporter’s Scheme Debate

I’m delighted that Conference has just overwhelmingly passed a motion committing to the creation of a registered supporter’s scheme for the Liberal Democrats.
The debate was split into 7 votes. Here’s a summary of how they went down:

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Brexit is too important to be left to politicians

This week Jeremy Corbyn stuck two fingers up at Remainers.

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Read Christine Jardine’s Speech to Spring Conference!

Morning Conference.

It’s fantastic to be back here in York… and a bit eerie for me.

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