Ensuring there is access to justice for all

Our justice system is failing the vulnerable, and we should all be embarrassed about it.

Legal aid spending in England and Wales has been cut by £933 million in the last eight years. And as a direct result, we’ve seen huge reductions in support.

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Saving our town centres

Across Britain, you can’t have failed to notice that our high streets and town centres are run down.

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Let’s act on knife crime

No parent should have to bury their child.

It’s crushing to see it happening so much the news.

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Liberal Democrats say NO to unpaid internships

The Sutton Trust estimates 40% of young interns are working for free. Many of them are probably entitled to the National Minimum Wage. But a loophole in the law lets employers pass their roles off as “voluntary” unpaid internships.

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Why become a supporter?

The Liberal Democrats are changing.

Politics is utterly broken right now. Labour and the Conservatives are being dragged to the ideological extremes, leaving millions feeling powerless and frustrated with the direction our country is taking.

That needs to change. Liberal Democrats will be that force of change.

For all those who feel frustrated with our political system, who feel that we’re not making the progress we desperately need on climate change, housing, NHS funding, and improving our schools, the Liberal Democrats are their home.

Liberal Democrats will be that force of change.
Ed Davey

At Spring Conference our membership approved steps to create a new Supporter Scheme.

We are opening our doors to new people to get behind our liberal campaigns, work with us to deliver real results for people across the country, and shake up the system.

What does that mean? As a Supporter you can:

  • Help shape party policy
  • Take part in our bold campaigns for a liberal Britain
  • Get involved with Conference
  • Work with the party to help shape the direction of the Liberal Democrats

If you are sick and tired of this outdated, dysfunctional politics, and believe Britain deserves better, now is the time to act

Sign up as a Supporter and help us change the course of Britain’s Future.

Ed Davey

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