Indicative Votes

After months of deadlock, on Monday night Parliament voted to take control of Brexit away from the Government.

Today we will be going through a process of “indicative votes”.   This might be a normal way of doing things in just about any other walk of life but in Parliament it is novel and I wanted to share with you a few thoughts about how we shall approach these votes and what we want to achieve.

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14 progressive Lib Dem policies the government don’t want you to know about

Many of these private members’ bills simply fell off the parliamentary order paper this week – the Tory government failed to give us to debate these vital issues. Others were outright blocked. We must demand better than this broken government, distracted by their Brexit mess.

Here are our 14 progressive private members’ bills the government doesn’t want you to know about.

Cutting down plastic pollution

We need radical action to cut down on plastic pollution. Alistair Carmichael’s bill does just that.

His bill would  require the government to commit to ambitious targets to reduce plastic pollution and report back on progress annually. It also aims to get rid of single use plastics by 2025.

If we are to truly confront climate change and pollution, our ambition must match the enormity of the challenge ahead. 

Providing end of life care for the homeless

We must do much more to help those who are rough sleeping or homeless. That means a new approach to low cost and social housing, as well as scrapping the odious Vagrancy Act that criminalises the homeless.

It also means we do more to ensure those who are terminally ill, and living on our streets, have appropriate medical care and housing support. Ed Davey’s bill would do just that.

Ending the gender price gap

It’s a travesty that women have to pay more than men for basic products like razors when there is virtually not difference in the product. It’s just not fair.

Christine Jardine’s bill to end the gender price gap seeks to end this malpractice.

Immigration armed forces bill

Serving in our armed forces is a statement of pride and commitment, and we are lucky to have members of the Commonwealth in our military. Why, then, do we levy fees on those men and women who then seek to make Britain their home after serving?

Ed Davey doesn’t think this is right. His bill would remove the £2,389 per person fee for ex-service men and women to make Britain their home. Almost £10,000 for a family of four to move to the UK after their parent has served our country? It’s simply wrong.

Improving access to radiotherapy 

A cancer diagnosis places a tremendous amount of stress on an individual or a family. It is one of the difficult things to face, and the government must do more to help.

Tim Farron’s bill seeks to make it easier for patients to access vital radiotherapy for cancer treatment, including a maximum travel time of 45 minutes for patients to travel. 

Parental leave bill

Each year 54,000 women are forced out of their jobs due to pregnancy and maternity discrimination in the UK.

It’s time to get serious about workplace discrimination against new mothers and pregnant women. Jo Swinson’s bill would compel employers with over 250 people to publish information about parental leave, and their pay during the course of such leave. 

We must demand better for families across Britain and tackle this fundamental injustice.

Making it easier for asylum seekers to find work

Why are we making it harder for asylum seekers to find work? For those people forced from their homes, we should be welcoming them into Britain and giving them the opportunity to start contributing to society.

That’s what Christine Jardine’s bill would do. Everyone deserves the right to work and play their part. If you agree, join our campaign here.

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I am SO proud of our Party

I am SO proud of our Party today

The fight against Brexit is not over. We showed we’re closer than ever to a People’s Vote

Alongside other pro-Europeans, we showed the fight against Brexit is not over. We showed we’re closer than ever to a People’s Vote.

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A message from Vince

I’m on the train returning home from Brussels after a day speaking to European liberal leaders, ahead of the European Council, and then briefing the gathered media on the Liberal Democrat campaign for a People’s Vote, to stop Brexit.

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This should be a national scandal

In the news this week, it was announced that an increasing number of schools across Birmingham have stopped their LGBT+ relationship education directly as a result of protesting parents.

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