5 Reasons To Vote Liberal Democrat In The Upcoming European Elections

Five reasons to vote for the Liberal Democrats in the European elections on 23rd May. 

1. To vote against Brexit

The Liberal Democrats are the only nation-wide party to have been fighting Brexit since the very beginning.

We’ve spent three years campaigning for a People’s Vote with an option to remain in the EU.

The government are scared because the tide has turned.

But you’ve still not been consulted on Brexit since the referendum. The government are scared because the tide has turned.

They know that if the referendum were held today, Britain would vote to remain.

These elections are your chance to show the government what you think of their Brexit mess, by voting for a passionately and unapologetically pro-European party.

Liberal Democrat in crowd of other members at People's Vote Rally, EU flag sticker on cheek,

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Celebrating Easter

I suspect that many people outside the church think that Christmas is the most important date in the Christian calendar. It isn’t Christmas, but Easter. While at Christmas we celebrate Jesus, the son of God coming to earth, taking on human form and living like we do. At Easter, we remember he died for us and was brought back to life.

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2.8 million!

Our printers are working through the night to create mailings to 2.8 million people across the UK – telling them why they need to vote Liberal Democrat in the European elections.

We’re off to a flying start thanks to your generous donations.


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Celebrating Passover

Whether Brexit ever happens or not, what is certain is this week we will commemorate the original Exodus some 3,332 years ago.

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Sal Speaks: April 2019

Local election campaigns around the country are going well with just under two weeks left. Like many of you, our home has moved into our regular election machine, and our driveway is the Watford garden poster factory!

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