Off to a flying start

We launched our European campaign on Friday – and the reception has been great.

We set out a simple, clear message – that a vote for the Lib Dems is a vote to stop Brexit. It’s resonated loud and clear with Remainers up and down the country.

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Labour is a Brexit party.

Last night, a leaflet for the European elections from the Labour party was published. Spot what’s missing: any reference to a People’s Vote.

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Vote for the Lib Dems to stop Brexit

I launched our European election campaign today with a simple message.

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Happy Easter

Today we join Christians in the UK and across the world in celebrating Easter- a time of reflection, renewal and redemption. Across the globe, Christians will come together to worship and spend time with family and friends in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Meanwhile as liberals who believe in freedom of worship for all, we stand in solidarity with those Christians who are persecuted for their beliefs.

Celebrations of the miracle of the resurrection are an opportunity for us all to reflect both on the small miracles within our own lives – our loved ones; our friends; our wider community – and on how to build and safeguard a world that is more loving, more forgiving and more compassionate.

Earlier this week, the world watched in horror as Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed in flames. Notre Dame has both historical and religious significance for people of all faiths and none and we stand with the people of France at this testing time.  

Whatever your beliefs, whether faith shapes your life in any way or not at all, I wish you an enjoyable and peaceful Easter weekend. 

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5 Reasons To Vote Liberal Democrat In The Upcoming European Elections

Five reasons to vote for the Liberal Democrats in the European elections on 23rd May. 

1. To vote against Brexit

The Liberal Democrats are the only nation-wide party to have been fighting Brexit since the very beginning.

We’ve spent three years campaigning for a People’s Vote with an option to remain in the EU.

The government are scared because the tide has turned.

But you’ve still not been consulted on Brexit since the referendum. The government are scared because the tide has turned.

They know that if the referendum were held today, Britain would vote to remain.

These elections are your chance to show the government what you think of their Brexit mess, by voting for a passionately and unapologetically pro-European party.

Liberal Democrat in crowd of other members at People's Vote Rally, EU flag sticker on cheek,

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