Take a sneak peek at our first EU election leaflet

Yesterday, Labour confirmed their position on a People’s Vote. As expected, they’ve stuck to the same old Brexit fudge. Jeremy Corbyn is letting down his MPs, members and voters by refusing to fight to give you the final say.

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The Labour Party are officially pro-Brexit.

The Labour Party are officially pro-Brexit.

In the crucial vote of their NEC tonight, Labour confirmed their policy on Brexit:

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11 reasons to register as a Lib Dem supporter

We launched our brand new supporters scheme at conference last weekend. So far, over 5000 people have signed up – a huge welcome to you all!

Are you on the fence about joining them? Here’s some of the reasons they gave us as to why they registered:

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9 Reasons To Campaign For The First Time

Getting out campaigning for the first time can be really difficult. I’ve been there, and I totally get it.

But here’s 9 reasons why I love campaigning, and why you should give it a go – especially ahead of the 2019 local elections!


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Want to stop Brexit? Vote Lib Dem at the European elections

There’s been a lot of talk about tactical voting in the EU elections.

The method of voting used for European Parliament elections – d’Hondt – means it’s still possible to split the vote.

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