EU citizens – last chance to register to vote!

Where can I vote?

You can choose whether to vote in your home country, or in the UK.

If you want to vote in the UK – keep reading!

Who’s eligible?

The Liberal Democrats are THE voice for all those who wish the UK to remain a member of the EU.

You’re eligible to vote in the elections if you’re a UK resident over 18 by polling day, and either:

  • a British citizen
  • qualifying Commonwealth citizen
  • or a citizen of the European Union.

How do I register?


You need to complete the following stages to ensure your application to vote is valid.

Firstly – register to vote here:

Register to vote

Next, download and fill in the European Parliament voter registration form, available here:

Download the form

Next, you need to get this form to your local Election Registration Office by tomorrow, 7 May. So, it’s too late to send by post, but find an email address to send it to and, where possible, try to deliver your form in person. Find your local Officer here:

Find your Electoral Officer

Why vote in the UK?

There has never been a more crucial European Parliament election for the UK. The UK needs support from every EU resident who wants to ensure that the UK remains a member of the EU.

The Liberal Democrats are THE voice for all those who wish the UK to remain a member of the EU.


So: Register. Deliver. Vote Liberal Democrat.

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Brexit & Business: Whatever Next?

Just three short weeks has passed since the European Union granted the UK a Brexit extension (a “Brextension”, if you will). The new cliff edge will fall on the rather spooky date of 31st October – whether the leaders of the EU27 were giggling when they suggested this is not known. 

Parliament here in the UK has responded by taking its foot off the pedal, as MPs dispersed for their Easter holidays. Indeed, the Prime Minister seems to have had a lovely time schlepping around the Welsh countryside.   

But while the Prime Minister and her Government may be more relaxed, businesses are not.  The key questions which were being asked the morning after the 2016 referendum have still not been answered.

The Liberal Democrats are looking to the future. We believe that Brexit can still be stopped.

What about the customs union?

What about our valued European workers?

And, what on earth does Brexit mean?

Of course, in light of the dithering and ineptitude displayed by this Government in their Brexit negotiations, an equally pressing question is: whatever next?

The Liberal Democrats are looking to the future. We believe that Brexit can still be stopped. But equally, we know that businesses need to prepare for the possibility of a post-Brexit world. 

This is the issue we will be exploring at next month’s Brexit & Business: Whatever Next? conference. Our fantastic guests and speakers will be discussing the future of business, the economy, and growth after Brexit.

While the Prime Minister and her Government may be more relaxed, businesses are not

We’ve put together a great programme, featuring Jürgen Maier, CEO of Siemens, Miranda Green, Deputy Opinion Editor at the FT, and our senior parliamentarians talking about the future of business beyond Brexit.  Also, Guy de Selliers, President & Co-founder of HCF International Advisors and a member of LDBEN, will be presenting his working manifesto on businesses and responsible capitalism.

The conference isn’t just for LDBEN members – anyone with an interest in the future of business after Brexit is welcome to attend. 

The conference will take place on the morning of Thursday 23 May at the National Liberal Club in London.  Tickets cost just £50.

I do hope you will consider joining us at what promises to be a fascinating event.

Join us at LDBEN conference

Find out more

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A Peaceful Ramadan

Today we join the millions of Muslims in the UK and across the world in welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Across the country, British Muslim communities will be taking time aside to engage in acts of charity, prayer and self-reflection.

The contributions of British Muslims to Britain are ever-growing; adding to the richness and diversity of our nation. However, we are witnessing a worldwide resurgence of exclusionary, right-wing nationalism that has led to acts of terror against the Muslim community. We demand better.

The attack in Christchurch earlier this year was a reminder that we must do all we can challenge those who seek to erase or limit religious freedoms. As a party we have adopted the APPG on British Muslim’s definition of Islamophobia: we all have a shared duty to challenge hate and intolerance.

As families and communities come together at this time, we reflect on the values and meaning of Ramadan. I wish you all a peaceful month ahead.

Ramadan Mubarak.

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How do I stop Brexit?

How do I stop Brexit?

So you’re a remainer – and you want to use your vote in the European elections send a message – that you want to stop Brexit.

How do you do that?

Well, there’s only one remain party with the strength to beat the Brexit parties, elect a huge group of remain MPs and send a message that can’t be ignored.

If you want to stop Brexit, vote Liberal Democrat.

Here’s why:

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The local elections – a media roundup

Our performance in last night’s local elections defied even our most optimistic expectations. We made a net gain of 12 councils and over 700 councillors – and the press noticed. We were pride of place on the Guardian’s homepage:

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